
Study Guides for John's Gospel

Apostle John was the youngest of the disciples of our Lord Jesus. He is the only one who died a natural death at the presumed age of 94. He wrote the Gospel according to John after the other three gospels had been written and thus it contains different perspectives about the person and the work of the Messiah whom he loved and followed. A study of John's Gospel will bring you a highly uplifting experience, full knowledge about God's plan of human salvation and love for our Savior.

The following table presents the general study plan we followed when we conducted a 35-week series of weekly Bible Studies at the U.S. Air Force Headquarters at Pentagon, Washington DC from August 2015 until spring of 2016. The study guides are provided here for others to benefit and to come to better serve your congregation. Below the table of study plan you will find 'Download Study Guide' references, which you can click to download the study guide for each study session.

May God richly bless your study!


1.       Introduction—get to know
2.       Motivations and expectations
3.       Bible as the Word of God
4.       Saint John and John’s Gospel
5.       Study plan
John 1: 1-18
1.       Jesus as Word, Life, Light and our needs
2.       Jesus as the Incarnate Son living among people
3.       John’s testimony about Jesus: glory, truth and grace
4.       Moses and Jesus: law, grace and truth
John 1: 19~34
1.       John the Baptist’s testimony about Jesus
2.       John’s humble ministry
3.       Jesus as the Lamb of God
4.       Jesus as baptizer in Holy Spirit
5.       Jesus the Son of God
John 1: 35~51
1.       Followers of Jesus: Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathaniel
2.       What do we see in Jesus today?
3.       Evangelical model: “Come and see”
4.       Jesus as the ladder to Heaven
John 2: 1~25
1.       The first miracle at Cana and its meaning
2.       Cleansing of the Temple: lesson to us
3.       Jesus’ miracles and His mission work
4.       Miracles of today
John 3:1~21
1.       Being born again
2.       Holy Spirit
3.       Son of God and salvation
4.       Seeking light vs darkness
John 3:22~36
1.       John the Baptist’s ministry for Christ
2.       John’s testimony of God & Son relationship
3.       John’s definition of salvation
John 4: 1~42
1.       Importance of one person to Jesus’s ministry
2.       Samaritans vs. Jews: historical background
3.       Living water—our thirst for life and truth
4.       Jesus, the source of living water
5.       True worship—in spirit and truth
John 4: 43~54
1.       Healing of royal official’s son –entreating for our loved ones
2.       Miracle and our faith – what are true miracles?
3.       Natural healing miracles—their relevance today
John 5:1~23
1.       Healing of invalid at Bethesda and our disabilities today
2.       Jesus as the true healer
3.       Work of the Father and of the Son
John 5:24~47
1.       Resurrection of the good and the evil – concern for our eternity
2.       Helpers to Jesus’ ministry: John, His works, Scripture
3.       Old Testament and Messiah
4.       Jews and Christ
John 6: 1~21
1.       Feeding the multitude—Manna and quail in OT days
2.       Walking on water –crossing the Red Sea
3.       Two miracles and the Exodus: Moses and Christ
4.       Eyes to see God working in miracles of our life
John 6: 22~51
1.       What are we living for? What do we feed on?
2.       Jesus as the true bread and living water
3.       How do we feed on the life of Jesus as our bread?
John 6:52~ 7:24
1.       Honesty and our motives before God –why did the Jews want to kill Jesus?
2.       Definition of “the world” –then and now
3.       Jewish traditions and Christ
John 7:25~52
1.       Why did the Jews fail to recognize Jesus as the Messiah?
2.       Calling for the thirsty in heart
3.       Jews’ bias against the Galileans – our biases today
John 8: 1~20
1.       Jesus forgiving of the adulterous woman
2.       Sin and God’s mercy as grace
3.       “Go and sin no more” – repentance as our work
4.       Walking in light
5.       Pharisees –zealous for God but working against God
John 8: 21~59
1.       God and the Son: identity through harmony
2.       Truth sets us free from sin
3.       Christians as Abraham’s children
4.       Devil and his nature: father of the lie
5.       “Before Abraham was born, I am”  -- Christ as God
John 9:1~41
1.       Healing of the blind
2.       Jesus as the source of true light and vision
3.       Our testimony after receiving true vision
John 10: 1~21
1.       Christ as our true shepherd
2.       Shepherd and sheep: relationship
3.       Free will and sheep nature: glad and willing following
John 10: 22~42
1.       Messiah as the true shepherd of Israel
2.       Jesus fearless ministry against the Jews’ hatred
3.       Our clear and bold testimony for Jesus in today’s world
John 11: 1~44
1.       Raising Lazarus from death
2.       Sadness, loss or calamities in our life –opportunities for God
3.       Jesus’ empathy: “Jesus wept.”
4.       Christ the source of eternal life, Lord of resurrection
John 11:45~57
1.       Jesus’ ministry and the Jews’ concerns, hardness of heart
2.       Our national interests and God’s interests: how to reconcile
3.       God’s will and reign continue: keep our vision clear
John 12: 1~19
1.       Mary’s sacrifice for Jesus – our devotion for God and Christ
2.       King of kings riding on a donkey – He comes to us in humility
3.       Does Christ reign in our life and our king?
John 12:20~36
1.       Die to live; lose to gain; hate life to preserve life
2.       Jesus’ agony as a human and God’s encouragement
3.       Jesus’ death and Satan’s fall
4.       Believing in the light to become children of light
John 13: 1~38
1.       Judas submission to Satan
2.       Jesus washing the disciples’ feet – example to us
3.       Our need for cleansing through Christ’s blood
4.       Free will, omniscience and grace: Judas, Peter and we
5.       “Love each other” – love as our testimony for Christ
John 14: 1~31
1.       Christ as God’s representation and His perfect person
2.       Christ’s promise of response to our prayers
3.       Christ’s instruction to keep His commands
4.       Christ’s promise of Holy Spirit
John 15:1~17
1.       Christ as the true vine
2.       Our sustenance, bearing fruits and joy
3.       Christ as our friend
John 15: 18~27
1.       World’s hatred of Christians vs Christian love
2.       World’s persecution of Christians and Christian sacrifice
3.       Testimony of Holy Spirit through Christian lives
John 16: 1~33
1.       Lord’s warning of tribulations to come and promise of comfort
2.       “I have overcome the world”
John 17: 1~25
1.       Definition of ‘Eternal Life’
2.       Glory of God and of Christ
3.       Sanctification through God’s truth, word
John 18: 1~27
1.       Judas’ betrayal of Christ
2.       Caiaphas the high priest vs. Jesus Christ as the high priest
3.       Peter’s denial of Christ
John 18:28~ 19:16
1.       Jesus Christ standing in Pilate’s court as a criminal
2.       Pilate’s decision and the people’s choice
John 19: 17~42
1.       Our Lord crucified
2.       Seven sayings of the Lord on the cross
3.       His piercing and burial
John 20: 1~31
1.       Empty tomb and the first appearance
2.       First meeting with the disciples
John 21: 1~25
1.       Seaside meeting in Galilee
2.       Restoration of Peter
3.       Apostle John’s testimony

Session 1: Download study guide

Session 2: Download study guide

Session 3: Download study guide

Session 4: Download study guide

Session 5: Download study guide

Session 6: Download study guide

Session 7: Download study guide

Session 8: Download study guide

Session 9: Download study guide

Session 10: Download study guide

Session 11: Download study guide

Session 12: Download study guide

Session 13: Download study guide

Session 14: Download study guide

Session 15: Download study guide

Session 16: Download study guide

Session 17: Download study guide

Session 18: Download study guide

Session 19: Download study guide

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Session 21: Download study guide

Session 22: Download study guide

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Session 24: Download study guide

Session 25: Download study guide

Session 26: Download study guide

Session 27: Download study guide

Session 28: Download study guide

Session 29: Download study guide

Session 30: Download study guide

Session 31: Download study guide

Session 32: Download study guide

Session 33: Download study guide

Session 34: Download study guide

Session 35: Download study guide